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8 April - A Cheap Shot

Today I had a great meeting with a new client, and afterward, I grabbed some things from the supermarket before heading home. As I went to collect the items out of the shopping basket, my ring, which my husband had given me for our 25th Wedding anniversary, became caught on the bottom of the basket, and without me realising the top half of the ring was dislodged and torn off. I didn't notice for a few minutes until, looking down at my hand, I noticed most of the diamonds missing from my finger. This resulted in me frantically searching for a cluster of diamonds lost somewhere in the middle of the self-serve checkout.

Fortunately, I found the broken piece and was able to rescue several thousand dollars worth of diamonds from where I discovered them wedged in the bottom of my shopping basket.

All the excitement about my meeting had faded, and as I returned home, I was quietly reminded that this is one way the enemy deploys his tactics of stealing from us immediately after we've had a win. He is an expert at taking a "cheap shot" and will suck the joy from a great experience and day if we are not careful.

One key to combating these cheap shots is to find something to give thanks and be grateful for, and preferably the moment we realise we are being got at.

Today I took that advice and refused to be cast down, choosing instead to be thankful that:

1. I'd found my broken piece of ring, and the diamonds were still intact

2. Several other concerned shoppers had helped me locate my ring, searching with me on the floor until I was able to find it.

3. I have a new client who I can help achieve their dreams

4. Everything will be okay because God is always works good out of every circumstance. (Romans 8:28)

You are in a battle, but Jesus has already won the war. He promises that no weapon formed against you will prosper and that all those who rise up against you will fall. (Isaiah 54:17) The important thing is to keep moving ahead and trusting God has gone before you.

My damaged ring is a first-world problem and even though it's disappointing and will cost me to fix, keeping perspective is a beautiful thing, and something good will come out of it. (i.e., the possibility of my husband having to visit a jewellery shop for repairs is always a good thing, haha)

Today, be encouraged to not fall for one of those cheap shots trying to steal your peace and joy through your circumstances, pressures, or when you're just having a bad day. Determine to turn the situation around, look for and expect something good to happen and praise and give thanks instead.

Everything will be okay because if God's eye is on the sparrow and He knows the stars by name, you can be sure He sees everything you're going through. You can trust him to bring all things together for your good and that He is working to restore the broken pieces of your life.

"Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows." (Luke 12:7)

"The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore." ( Psalm 121:8)

"Instead of your shame there shall be a double portion; instead of dishonor they shall rejoice in their lot; therefore, in their land they shall possess a double portion, they shall have everlasting joy." (Isaiah 61:7)

Prayer: Lord thank you that you are watching over me. Even when I may be having a hard day you promise that you will work all things together for my good and that your care for every detail of my life. I trust you today. In Jesus name Amen.

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