This is a repost but maybe someone needs to be reminded of this today.
Today our youngest son Isaac got something in his eye which needed to be rinsed out. We were outside at the time visiting friends and I had to lead him up a flight of stairs into the house to attend to his eye. Leading him by the hand Isaac said, “Mum I’m trusting you to lead me as I’ve got both eyes closed and I can’t see where I am going.”
Isaac trusted me, believing that because I cared for and loved him I wouldn’t allow him to fall or hurt himself.
Throughout the bible we are encouraged repeatedly to trust in God, and warned against putting our trust in princes, riches or ourselves. In comparison these things are like the blind leading the blind, when we have a God who is all seeing and all knowing to guide us instead.
Trust in God does not mean being oblivious to the facts and what is before us, but rather trust recognises and assesses the dangers, threats, and challenges and looks beyond and sees God. Trust in God discerns, much like Isaac trusting me to lead him as he climbed the stairs with his eyes closed, that God loves us and is trustworthy and faithful enough to lead us wherever we may need to go.
There is no fear in trust, for the two are opposites. When we fear, we know we are not fully trusting. When we trust, fear gives way to assurance, peace and confidence.
Just as Isaac had a complete confidence in my love for him to lead him safely, trust in God gives us a confidence of our safety, wellbeing and a hope for the future. It’s also in this trust we find rest for our souls.
Today take God’s hand, and be confident in His power, love and ability to protect and care for you. Choose to trust Him to lead you in every step you take, just like a little child trusts their Mum or Dad to care for, and direct them in where to go. Take hold of God’s hand, knowing that because He loves us we can trust Him.
“I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” (Psalm 16:7-8)
“For the Lord will be at your side and keep your foot from being snared.” (Proverbs 3:26)
Prayer: Lord I choose to take your hand just like a little child would, so that you can lead me wherever I need to go. Even when I can’t see the road ahead I know you do, so I choose to follow where you lead and trust in your love for me today. In Jesus name Amen.