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September 12 – Come Fly With Me

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I had a dream a while ago that I was flying. I’ve always liked flying and as a child we would spend many an afternoon at the local aero club where my dad, who had his pilot’s license used to fly. As I was dreaming I saw two friends flying alongside me telling me not to worry about all the earthly stuff that I was so concerned about and feeling under pressure over, for those things were of little consequence in the big scheme of things. God is bigger than all the things we so often stress and get preoccupied about, and they represent the low level life that we can so easily get stuck in. They often carry a low frequency of life, when God has such a higher and better life for us.

The whole “seek first my kingdom and my righteousness” statement that God asks us to walk in is all about coming up and away with Him. It’s about flying high above all the “stuff” that the world tries to weigh us down with, and soaring victoriously with Jesus. It’s not hard when we come up and away with Him because we rest in the currents and frequencies of His love and power, much like a eagle soars through the sky as it catches the updrafts and currents all around it. An eagle doesn’t flap and squawk about but extends it’s wings and simply catches the wind.

We too can be like the eagle and catch the updrafts of the Holy Spirit, rather than getting ourselves in a flap and fluster. It’s easier to live like that when we disentangle ourselves from, and choose not to focus on our problems and fears, but set our eyes on heaven above. For when we look at Jesus and His Word all limits start to come off, impossibilities are obliterated, and God shows up in our life and circumstances. God simply asks that we look to Him and trust His love for us.

Today, come up, up and away with Jesus. It’s not hard for He has done all the work already to enable us to connect with Him and to soar on wings like eagles in heavenly places. He simply wants us to accept HIs invitation to come away with Him, trusting that He will take care of all our earthly concerns and worries. Lay down your way of doing life today, and choose instead to take hold of the abundant life that God has for you, because just like in my dream if we do, we will literally soar above it all and wonder why we didn’t learn how to “fly” years ago.

Jesus said, “What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving. People who don’t know God and the way He works fuss over these things but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.” (Matthew 6:33 Message Bible)

Jesus said to them, “Come away with me. Let us go alone to a quiet place and rest for a while.” (Mark 6:31-33)

Prayer: Jesus I want to come up and away with you, so I’m choosing to lay down my way of doing life so that I can take hold of your way. Would you please take my hand; my life, my worries and distractions, and teach me how fly with you today. In Jesus Name Amen.

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