God doesn’t ever want us to feel stuck or to get to the point where we start to believe that our hopes and dreams are impossible. He wants us to be able to trust Him and know that He always has a way through; a solution and the power needed to change any difficult or seemingly impossible situation we may be facing.
More than ever lately I am realising the importance of choosing to, “Let go and to trust in Jesus”. Especially in those times we feel like we are not going anywhere, or developing, growing or achieving anything. I know from experience that if I consistently spend time with Jesus and follow what His Word says that I will grow, be transformed and achieve, because God has promised He will perfect the good work He has begun in us.
The key is to keep going and looking ahead, and not falling into the trap of judging your success by the progress you make in one day, one week or even one month.
God calls each one of us His Masterpiece, and masterpieces take time, patience, perseverance and persistence to create.
Today if you are feeling frustrated with your progress just keep walking and working at your skills. Listen to Jesus and read and follow His Word – and you will get there! Regularly take time to stop and breathe and to do things which bring peace and joy to your heart and mind.
I recommend making a list of those things that make your soul happy. If you can’t think of anything, why not try something new. It doesn’t have to be a big things; it could be simple like a cup of coffee at your favourite cafe, enjoying some great scenery, good food and company. A sport, hobby, music, art, shopping, etc.
The key is to explore, discover and surround yourself with all the goodness, beauty and things that trigger joy in your life. Then when your heart and mind need a break and some strengthening you’ll be able to encourage and comfort yourself with those people and things that prosper your soul.
God has a plan and has promised He will complete the good work He has begun in us until it is completed and that He will do exceedingly more than we can ask, think, pray, dream or imagine. (Eph 3:20)
“For I am confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will continue to perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6)
“The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever.”(Psalm 138:8)
Prayer: Lord thank you that you are faithful and don’t give up on me. Please help me to keep walking step by step with you every day, trusting that you will perfect that which concerns me. In Jesus name Amen.