God created the world with newness of life built into it’s design and every year we see that in the seasons. It’s also how He created us. We are designed to grow and have new challenges, dreams, goals and vision. It constantly amazes me how we can always do far more than what we might have first thought if we put our hearts and minds to it.
One of our daughters is always doing new things; it’s exciting to hear what she has been up to or planning next. I think it’s a great habit to cultivate, in looking and wanting to experience all that life has for us.
Doing new things can actually help to make new pathways in our brains. It also opens us up to new possibilities for God to move in our lives. For if we keep doing everything the same then over time we can close ourselves off to life and having a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Instead we can get as I say “musty, crusty and rusty”.
What we do everyday in our lives affects our hearts, minds, attitudes, and spirits.
Isaiah 35 in the Bible always encourages me. It is a proclamation of new life from God, to strengthen us where we may feel weak or fearful.
A desert symbolizes our life without God or areas of our life that have become barren and a wasteland. Yet God says that the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose, like rivers in the desert will He pour out His spirit on those who are thirsty.
“The wilderness and the wasteland shall be glad for them, And the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose; It shall blossom abundantly and rejoice, Even with joy and singing… Strengthen the weak hands, And make firm the feeble knees. Say to those who are fearful-hearted, “Be strong, do not fear! (Isaiah 35:1-7)
Be encouraged today to allow God to bring new things into your life. Allow Him to bring “New beginnings”.
How does He do that? By showering us in His presence; softening the barren, dry thirsty places in our lives and planting seeds of hope and vision.
Then it is up to us whether we hold onto those NEW things and run with them or whether we push them aside. We get to choose to “water” those seeds of hope and life with prayer, God’s word and believing or to kill them off with negativity and neglect.
The Bible is full of accounts where God is crying out to His people to listen to him and to turn to Him so that He can restore, renew and give hope. I encourage you to listen up and to come to God today as you ask Him to shower you in His presence and bring life to the desert places of your life.
He is the God of new beginnings! “Behold I will do a new thing, now it springs forth; shall you not know it.” (Isaiah 43:19)
Prayer: Thank you God that you love me. I ask for your life to flood through me and that you would make something amazing out of my life. Restore, renew and begin something new in me today. In Jesus Name. Amen