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20 June - Turn Your Talent into A Skill

I'm currently on the way home from a friend's house for dinner. It's the second time I've visited this home where the woman of the house has the gift of hospitality and creating culinary delights. Our meal was amazing and consisted of five courses, which from my last visit I had prepared for; you need to pace yourself; otherwise, you'll never make it to sweets. Around the table, everyone was blown away by the generosity, work, and care that had been put into serving us our meals. Our hosts, however, saw it as simply sharing what they'd chosen to put their hand to, honing these skills to bless others. Tonight's meal was a good reminder of how important it is to make the most of the gifts and abilities we have been give and to continually be working on them so we don't miss the opportunity to make them a skill. It's why it's a good idea to ask ourselves, "What do I have in my hand, and am I using it to the best of my ability?" Because everyone possesses something that God has given them. Everyone has something other people can benefit from and be blessed by. David a shepherd boy, was handy with a slingshot and used it to kill a bear and a lion as he protected his Father's sheep out in his Father's fields. He practiced, was diligent, and honed his talent with a slingshot until eventually, that slingshot in David's hand was the very instrument God would use to bring victory against the giant Goliath and the whole Philistine army. (I Samuel 17:8-36) You may feel like you don't have anything in your hand today, but we all have something to offer and are able to use, especially when we come to God and are willing and choose to listen to His promptings.

What does God keep saying or nudging you to pursue or spend time improving in?

What desire and dreams has He placed in your heart?

What gifts, abilities or even just an interest do you have?

Because if you are prepared to take what you have and offer it to God, He will do far more than you could ever imagine, dream of, or expect. God asks that you take what you have, be diligent with it, choose to be available, and are prepared to grow and develop so that your ability and talent for something can be turned into a skill that God can help you use to do mighty things. (Ephesians 3:20) What do you have in your hand today? What is God signaling that He wants to use in you, and how can you prepare and position yourself to run at your destiny just as David ran at his?

Prayer: Lord, please help me recognise my talents and see what I have in my hand already to work with so that you can create something amazing in and through me. Please help me begin today, Lord. In Jesus' name Amen

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