I read a quote today which said, “reality holds up the standard of what is, while truth lifts the banner of what could be”. “Reality encourages us to accept what is as the way things will always be. However the revelation of truth awakens the hope of something so much more”. (Lisa Bevere)
The fact is our reality does and will change because it adapts to surroundings, culture and situation.
Whereas truth stands unmoved by any of these influences and is faithful, honest, sincere and full of integrity and a foundation on which we can stand steady in a volatile and constantly changing world.
Yet how often do we allow our present reality and circumstances to dictate to us what is true? Our reality often screams at us the lie that,“it is what it is and that’s final” and then we wonder why we’ve become discouraged.
That’s why it’s so important to recognize the world’s version of reality is fleeting and moveable and will when confronted move aside for what is true. It takes someone with integrity, honesty, purity of heart and sincerity to challenge it, but the world we find ourselves in and who we often believe and think we are, must and will change when challenged with truth when it is consistent and powerful enough.
Jesus challenges peoples realities all the time – you were blind but now you see, you were dead but now you are alive. He raised the dead, healed the sick, set the oppressed free, restored dignity to peoples lives, challenged and shifted mindsets about the place of woman, acknowledged and blessed the children. He did not allow someone’s sickness, brokenness, status or worth to remain their reality if it did not line up with the truth of Gods will and plan for their lives. That negative reality suddenly became unstable in the presence of His absolute truth. The moment His presence walked down the road or into a room everything did and still does change.
The truth however always demands a decision on our part, and right now there is a desperate need for truth and beauty to be taken hold of rather than us complacently accepting some of the realities we face.
People everywhere are discouraged and afraid. They don’t know what to believe anymore. There’s been the lie that, ”this is it, this is who you are, this is what is acceptable, and the world’s just like that. As a result many have given up their search for truth and a belief for something better than what they see before them. Yet wisdom calls loudly and encourages us to refuse to accept a flawed reality as truth and challenges us to rise above the status quo and to speak and act differently. (Proverbs 8 9-7)
The question is whether we will settle for what is or believe, reach out for and stand with truth. Will you confront and change the reality of who you think you are when it does not agree with who God says in His Word you are? (Which is forgiven, free, and delivered from all fear, sickness, pain, addiction, and lack.)
Will you challenge the reality you find yourself confronted with every time you look at the news or walk out the door? Do you embrace society’s flawed version of what is acceptable, beautiful, popular and successful or do you seek to shift that reality with truth?
One look at the world will tell you that we all need to do something! To stop settling and believing a lie about ourselves, about who we are and what we are capable of, and about the state of the community we live in. It’s been done before – it started with 12 men who were once chosen by Jesus to hear and then share the truth and good news He shared, and with him those men helped change the world. They shifted mindsets, told of Gods forgiveness and spread hope and good news. They accepted, loved and ministered healing to the broken, inspired greatness in others and changed their communities.
Today imagine what you could do if you too resolved to walk with Jesus, chose to believe what He has done for you, who He says you are and what is possible, shared it with all you meet, and chose to make that your new reality? Imagine it, for you might just change the world if you do!
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:2)
“Fear not for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”. (Isaiah 41:10)
“Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun”. ( 2 Cor 5:17)
Prayer: Lord please help me to stand for truth rather than settle for a life that is far from what you have planned for me. Please help me to see myself as you do and to begin to challenge those things in and around me that are not in agreement with your will and plan. Please awaken a hope in me for a better future. In Jesus name Amen