There is a verse in the bible that always captures my attention every time I read it. It’s that “Love never fails”.
“Love never dies; never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end; love never gives up, never loses faith, it is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance”.(1 Corinthians 13:8 AMP, MSG and NLT)
Love isn’t a sappy emotion or just a thing for the romantics. On the contrary, love is a powerful force, which, when released, has the potential and ability to change the world.
The bible says, ‘Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it.’ (Song of Solomon 8:7)
Jesus demonstrated love’s power when He walked the earth. He revealed what love looks like, openly embraced everyone who came near to him—loving the outcasts, the rejected, the rich, the poor, widows, prostitutes and both the sick and the healthy. He made time for men, women, children, the young and the old.
Jesus also taught something that many of us fail to realise. It’s that our “faith works by love”.
Love is like the on switch; the activation button to our believing and seeing our prayers answered, miracles happen and experiencing heaven on earth. Love makes all things come together and function as they should.
Through love, Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead, opened blind eyes and healed deaf ears. He delivered people from the power of evil, restored life and gave hope through the power of love in action.
We can’t only be people who believe; we must also live a life of love. But far too often, we miss the love part and then wonder why things aren’t working. The foundation of walking in faith and believing what God says is love.
“We can make all the confessions we want to. We can quote the Bible day and night. We can fast and pray, and we still won’t get anything if we are not walking in love. The Word says faith works by love. But if we’re not walking in love, our faith won’t work!” (Kenneth Hagin)
When Jesus walked into the room or down a dusty street, love emanated out of Him. Love drew people, healed people, and love won.
Jesus said to all those who follow Him, “Go, live the love life; go and tell everyone near and far the good news that they are loved, and that love’s power always wins, and it will set them free”. (Mark 16:15)
The capacity for great love is inside us, for we are created in the image of love. And when we get connected to God and choose to spend time building that connection every day with him, the fullness of His love in us enables us to love as He loves.
Today if you want to make your faith work and to live your best life, I encourage you to ask Jesus to fill your heart with His love. Stay connected to Jesus, let His words fill your heart, walk in love and you’ll start to see how love’s power wins.
“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear”. (1 John 4:18)
“If you live in me and what I say lives in you, then ask for anything you want, and it will be yours”. (John 15:7)
Prayer: Lord, fill my heart with your love and then please cause love’s force and power to flow out of me to others, causing miracles, healing and restoration wherever I go. Thank you that love always wins. In Jesus Name Amen.