The thing about trusting someone else is that it often means trusting them to in some way provide. To provide emotional, mental, spiritual or physical support.
For those of us who are more independent and want to or who have to, in varying degrees had to take care of ourselves, trusting someone else for provision can be difficult. Difficult because all our attitudes about people, our circumstances and any trust issues come to the surface.
God however repeatedly asks us to trust Him. To trust Him to lead and guide us; to trust Him that He has our best interests in mind and that He is good and loving; to trust Him to provide for all our needs and to grant us the desires of our heart.
Trust like that doesn’t happen without knowledge of the one we are trusting, and a growing healthy relationship. Trust like that takes believing that what God says is true and that He is faithful to His promises. Trust like that takes time to build as we gain an understanding of how deep, wide, high and extreme God’s love is for us It’s then in choosing to take steps everyday to believe and relax in the fact that we are loved and that God is trustworthy.
We actually don’t have to be in control of everyone and everything in our life. Living like that all the time is actually quite exhausting. Instead God simply and repeatedly says in His Word, “Trust me. I know everything about you and I’ve got this covered”.
The question and decision for us everyday is, “Will we trust Him to love and care for all our needs and the dreams in our hearts? Or will we keep our hands tightly on the reins, only trusting ourselves to be in control and to get things done, and then wonder why we feel so tired and anxious all the time?”
Today, take some time to get to know God more so you know why you can trust Him to provide for you in every area of your life; read the promises in His Word and sit and talk with Him a while. Then take steps each day to rely on Him in both the little and bigger things in your life.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight”. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Prayer: Lord please help me to get to know you more, and to learn to trust you more in every area of my life. In Jesus name Amen