What do you do when you come under pressure?
Jesus warned that we would have trials and pressure situations. He said, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)
Pressure comes from a variety of sources. Sometimes, our hectic schedules cause our lives to get a little out of control, or we put ourselves out there acting on a desire of our heart and a dream we finally get enough courage to step out on.
And that's when the pressure is brought to bear. Suddenly we discover the need for our faith to be activated. We have to put what I call "wheels on our faith.
Perhaps we are believing for a new car or debts to be paid off, healed of an illness, or see relationships restored or began. God has spoken; he has revealed His will for us to receive these things. But then things start looking worse. Our existing car suddenly breaks down and is undrivable; something breaks down at home and will take our savings to fix it. We are not having a great day, there are fractures in relationships and then to top it off, one of the kids gets sick, or an illness appears to be worsening.
The Pressure is on! What do we do? Our human response is to start muttering and then complaining to anyone who listens and offers some sympathy.
But oddly enough, God doesn't teach us that. Our faith works under pressure.
He says we are more than conquerors and that He is strong in us when we are weak. When we come under pressure, He says to stand and only speak what God's Word says. ". He wants us to go to the promises in His Word, see what He is saying and pray, speak it out and walk the process of faith, trust, and belief.
The devil's tactic is to try and get us to stop believing because our faith becomes inactive when we stop believing. We get into doubt and unbelief. That is precisely where our enemy wants us. He will do practically anything possible to get us to let go of our faith.
When Jairus approached Jesus to come and see his dying daughter, Jairus was a desperate man. But he had heard about and believed in Jesus. He pushed through the crowds and implored Jesus to come. Jesus followed this desperate father to come and see his little daughter. Before even reaching Jairus home, people came running down the road to inform Jairus not to bother Jesus any longer because his little girl was dead. Jesus turned to Jairus and spoke important words "Do not fear only believe".
If there was ever a man who had reason to give way to pressure, to fear, here he was. Jairus had just been told it's all over your daughter is dead, why trouble Jesus anymore. In the natural, all hope was lost. (Mark 5:21-43)
Jesus looked at Jairus and said a seemingly ridiculous statement to a man who had just been told his daughter was dead. "DO NOT FEAR, ONLY BELIEVE", and because Jairus didn't cave under the immense pressure to step into fear and doubt, this father saw his little daughter raised back to life.
Today, if you feel under pressure, or the next time you feel "your buttons being pushed", remember the enemy wants your words; he wants you to start speaking unbelief, doubt and fear.
· Don't give him the satisfaction of getting to you. Kick his sorry butt in the name of Jesus, and keep standing.
· Seek God for wisdom as to what you can do to deal with any issues practically.
· Get hold of God's promises in His Word and steadfastly, stubbornly, and with real guts, continue standing!
· Remain believing for your promise to come to pass.
· Be patient, and know that God is at work because "Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8).
What he said to Jairus and many other people who have been under pressure is what he says to you today, "Do not fear, only believe"!
"Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need". (Hebrews 4:16)
"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you". (James 4:7)
"Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand." (Ephesians 6:13)
Prayer: Lord Jesus, I thank you that you are faithful to your Word and do not lie. I refuse to get into speaking doubt and unbelief and choose to walk in faith and believing today, trusting that you are in control and will give me wisdom and strength to deal with any circumstance I face today. In Jesus name Amen.