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1 Oct – What Can You Do Today

Often in life when we have a vision and dream we can get to a point where we think it’s too hard and impossible for it to ever come to pass. There are times when we’ve “gone for it”, and things didn’t work out as planned. We may face discouragement and the prospect of failing, and success seems a long way off.

Many people know what it is to have a dream, and many also know what it feels like when they “don’t do what they set out to do”. Sometimes things don’t work out as planned, and we can wonder where we went wrong, whether we heard from God correctly,  and what we should do now?

I’ve discovered that it’s really important to look at what we do have going for us at these times. It’s helpful to stop, reflect, pinpoint and write down where and why we feel like we’ve failed or are disappointed, and then also where we have experienced success.

Then we can build on our successes and seek God over whether we can do anything about those things that didn’t go according to plan.

Today take a few moments to assess how your vision and dreams are progressing. If you feel like you have come to a “stand still” and nothing is happening, or you are suffering from discouragement, take a moment to step back, seek God and reassess.

Is the reality of pursuing your vision and dream what you thought? Is the passion still there? Do you need to take some time for God to heal and restore you?

What little step can you make today towards fulfilling the bigger picture? You may not feel like you can do everything right now, but what can you do?

Keep building on your successes, and do what you can do to work towards achieving your dream.

You may not be the best at whatever you are working towards yet, but you can practice, train and start to build an image inside you of success and blessing today.

You may not be able to preach to thousands yet but you can walk across the street to share with and pray for your neighbours.

You may not be able to lose 20kg today, but you can begin to make some wise choices about your eating and exercise today.

You may not be in a relationship, work or family situation of your dreams right now, but you can keep building your faith and expectation for good things to happen in your life, and for God to move in your situation every day.

Encourage yourself with God’s word – it’s “The manual for success” and holds the wisdom of Heaven in it.

Let go, and give over any past disappointments or failures to God, and let Him restore your self-worth and self-esteem with what He says about you. Allow Him to renew the image inside of you to one of success and not failure, being blessed instead of feeling cursed, healthy instead of sick, abundantly supplied instead of living in lack, bold instead of fearful, and loved instead of rejected.

Write down God’s promises and carry them around with you. Then every time you have a negative or fearful thought you can remind yourself of God’s love and promises, and renew your mind with what God says about your future.

Surround yourself with those people who will believe with you, pray for you, and encourage you in your dreams and vision.

God says, “Roll your works upon the Lord. (Commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and) so shall your plans be established and succeed.” (Proverbs 16:3)

“Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass.” (Psalm 37:5)

Decide what you can you do today and then do it, and remember to just keep walking!

Prayer: Lord help to know where I am succeeding and where I need encouraging in your Word. Please show me what I can do right now to keep walking towards my dream and the vision you have put inside of me. In Jesus name Amen.

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