The last word on a subject or conversation is usually what all of us want to have. To be able to state our case, have our say and silence any opposition or critic in the process.
Yet how often do we allow our circumstances to have the last word in our lives, even when those circumstances are not in agreement with the dreams in our heart or what we believe is God’s best plan for our lives?
I know from experience that if we let negative things have the last word then we will let go of the purpose for which we were born. The devil is a thief and a liar and goes out of his way to try to get us to believe he has the last word and ultimate control. His plans are always to steal, kill and destroy and if the words we are hearing sound like any of those things you can be sure he is at work. (John 10:10; John 8:44)
He thought he had the last word when I was abused as a young child and then sexually assaulted as a teenager. His plan was to destroy my confidence, trust in men and leave me broken and afraid. He also thought he’d had the last word as I struggled with chronic asthma, and a painful joint disease that left me in constant pain.
He thought he’d had the last word when I miscarried our first baby and was left feeling hurt and afraid. And he definitely thought he’d had the last word when I collapsed with an ectopic pregnancy and lay on the floor with no visible signs of life.
He’s repeatedly thought he’d had the last word when we’ve faced financial difficulties, and when people have chosen to get offended, spoken against us and sought to harm both our ministry and family.
But God has had other ideas and as I’ve chosen to listen to his words of life, blessing and honour instead of any others, I’ve seen him bring blessing, vindication and breakthrough.
I listened to Him when He said…”Hold on, I will have the last word here,” as He gently whispered, “be brave and trust this young man, he won’t hurt you”. And I’ve now been happily married to that amazing man for 30 years.
I’ve chosen to heed God’s last word on my circumstances over and over again. It helped me be determined enough to face deeply buried hurts so that I’m not only a survivor of sexual abuse and assault but an overcomer and someone who looks to thrive and not just survive.
I chose to listen that Jesus is my healer and no sickness or disease has any right to my body, and I was miraculous and wonderfully healed from asthma and chronic joint disease. I continued to receive God’s last word on my body, rather than any other and went on to have six healthy, beautiful children.
In life it is very easy to belief that negative or disappointing circumstances will have the last word in our lives. But I’ve discovered that when God is part of your life He will always have something to say that will over-ride any negative experience, loss or pain we may face. Jesus proved that when the devil wrongly presumed he had spoken the last word as Jesus was crucified and died on a wooden cross….But he didn’t see what was coming and the last word Jesus had to say to him as he rose again, took back the keys to sin and death and triumphantly declared,”death cannot hold me down!” (Colossians 2:15)
His word still speaks loud and clear, “No abuse, loss, death, sickness, or even a virus that throws the world into chaos can stop my plans to restore, redeem and work all things together for good!”
Today let what God says about your life and circumstances be the last word. He says that, “He’s not finished working yet; that 2020 is not a write off and that your dreams are still possible.” He says, “I bore all your sickness, so receive your healing; that I will carry your hurt and pain so you can let it go, and that I am with you and will never leave you alone.” “That nothing in all creation will be able to separate you from my love and plan for your life.” “Just hold onto and look to me and I will lead and guide you all the days of your life.” (Matt 19:26; 1 Peter 2:24; Duet 31:8; Romans 8:28, 31-39; Psalm 23:6, 32:8)
Don’t allow your past, any circumstance or the events of 2020 to be what you believe and act upon. Instead make God’s promises your “Last Word” and believe to not only survive but to thrive!
Prayer: Lord thank you that it is you that has the last word and it is always good. I choose to listen today to you rather than any circumstance, bad news, virus, or traumatic event that is going on around me today. I believe and look for you to restore lives and to bring hope, joy and abundance today. In Jesus name Amen.