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14 May – Take a step

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I recently felt the Lord whisper to me, “Will you go wherever the wind of my Spirit blows you?” I answered, “Of course as long as I know its you Lord.” That answer it seems did not impress God, as again He asked me, “Will you go wherever the wind of my Spirit blows you?”

The thing is when God speaks or we feel led and prompted by Him to act in some way we inevitably desire a guarantee – a no risk of failure clause.

How often do we value safety over growth, guarantees over adventure and promises over stepping out in trust and faith? And how often do we challenge ourselves to step out, like Peter stepped out on the water when Jesus called, rather than sitting in the “boat” watching as miracles, adventures, answers and opportunities pass us by?

The question perhaps to regularly ask ourselves is, “What am I doing that I could not do apart from the power of God?”

Peter could only walk on water because Jesus stepped forward as Peter stepped out. (Matt 14:22-33)

Gideon could only defeat a 130,000 strong army with 300 men because Gods hand moved to help him.(Judges 6)

Joshua could only lead several million people to march around the walls of Jericho and see them come tumbling down as God honored his obedience. (Joshua 6)

None of them could have victory in what they were asked to do unless God was there to meet them. Yet when we desire guarantees over trusting Gods goodness, and promises over obeying His  leading there is very little or no faith involved. IF we can do it alone there is not faith, if it doesn’t need God then aren’t we living under challenged lives.  As a result we can run the risk of missing out on the life God so desires to give us.  God knows that it will take faith to access the plans He has for us, and that we will need Him to walk with us. We can’t do it alone or in our own strength.

If we want to experience and live that abundant overflowing life we know or hear rom others is possible in God, we actually have to take a step trusting God will meet us as we do.  Peter had to get his feet wet, Gideon had to come out from hiding  and gather his men, Joshua had to march around the city for six days with no sign of change, trusting he’d heard right.

Yet all of these men of faith experienced something that all those who sit back spectating never know.  They knew the freedom and exhilaration of experiencing Gods power at work after taking an enormous risk. They came to know God – to really know Him as the one who provides, sustains, rescues, fights for them and works miracles.

Today where is Jesus calling you to take a step? Where is He asking you to get out of the boat? Because wherever and wherever it is you can be sure He is waiting to meet you there. As you consider I recommend that you take some time to calculate the risk, determine if the regret of not stepping out is worse than the risk of failing or being disappointment, pray and seek Gods Word and wisdom and then go on and, “take that first step!”

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” (James 1:5-7)

For God gave us not a spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control“. (2Tim 1:7)

Prayer: Lord help me to not be someone who watches life pass me by but because of my fears, desire for guarantees and need for security I keep putting off or ignoring your call to take a step into what you have for me. In Jesus name Amen.

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