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15 Nov – In the quiet He is there

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There are some circumstances in life where our world can be exploding with noise and some of that noise is deafening, chaotic and can even throw us off balance.

I’ve discovered that quiet is vital to us being able to journey through the ups and downs of life. It’s in the quiet that God can be found and it’s there that He restores our soul. In the quietness we are made strong as Jesus calls us to be still so that He can bring rest and peace to our busy minds and hearts.

Yet how much time do we give to quiet and finding Jesus there? Perhaps instead of quietness and rest many of us have learnt to hear the voice of the world and it’s  constant chatter and noise, but have failed to learn and to recognise God’s voice in the quiet.

Psalm 23 encourages us to discover quietness and to seek and be led to quiet places.

“The Lord is my Shepherd [to feed, to guide and to shield me], I shall not want. He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still and quiet waters. He refreshes and restores my soul (my life);He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. (Psalm 23:1-2 Amplified version)

Today think about the past 24 hours of your life. How much quiet have you had? What noise in your life keeps you from hearing God’s voice?

Try this challenge – for one week. Spend five minutes each day sitting with Jesus in quiet.  Don’t read, petition or recite off your list of thoughts and requests to Him. Just sit and absorb the quiet and focus on Him. What might He say when you stop long enough in the quiet to listen, and how much stonger and more at peace will you be?

Take time to allow Him to restore and to bring strength today. For “In quietness and confident trust is your strength.” (Isaiah 30:15)

To help you to take the steps to quietness and to firstly focus upon Jesus  have a listen to “In the quiet”

Prayer: Lord please help me to find you in the quiet. To take the time to still my heart and mind each day so that I might simply sit with you. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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