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17 June -The gift

I read this fantastic news recently, which once again reminded me of just how great a gift we have been given in Jesus. The news is found in Hebrews 7:25 in the bible and it says this:

“Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.”

At first glance you may be tempted to overlook the significance of what this says, but I encourage you to look again. This scripture is saying that Jesus is and does save to the ‘uttermost” everyone who comes to Him. He is able to save in all times, in all cases, to the uttermost –meaning that he has the power, and that our salvation is complete. He does not abandon us halfway; he does not begin a work, which He is then unable to finish. He aids us as long as we need anything done for our salvation; He saves completely, and absolutely, so that nothing should be wanting afterwards, forever for all who choose to trust Him.

The question is what does Jesus save us from? What does the words “saved to the uttermost mean?” If you have been around church at all you would have heard that saved means that you will go to heaven if you have accepted Jesus as your Saviour. This is true. But it also means much, much more, which you will discover if you study the Hebrew and Greek words from which the bible was translated.

In the Old Testament the Hebrew word for save is “yasha” and is used for example in Isaiah 35:4, “Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense; he will come and save you”. Yasha means ‘to be open, wide or free; to be safe; to free, avenge, defend, deliver, help, preserve, rescue, be safe, bring salvation, save and get victory. It is present tense, and not something we look for only in the future when we finish this life on earth. It promises deliverance, rescue and victory for us now!

The word saved in the New Testament is the Greek word “sozo” which again means to “save, deliver, protect, heal, preserve, do well, and be made whole. “Sozo” and “Yasha” overlay each other. They proclaim the same message, of victory and protection, as well as healing and being made whole, of doing well, walking in favour, prosperity and abundance.

Unlike the priests of old who were mere men, “Jesus is possessor of supernatural Divine power, which is able to save us to perfection, to the full, to all ends, from sin, it’s guilt, it’s stain and power; from it’s consequences, the curse, and wrath, and eternal death. What neither others nor ourselves could do for us, He is able to do. He is not only able, but willing to set us in a safe, happy, blessed, and glorious state for ever”. (Romans 5:9-11,17) (Matthew Poole’s Commentary)

When we think of what Jesus has done for us, and now offers to all mankind, it isn’t just the assurance of where and how we will spend eternity, as absolutely awesome as that is. It is also to understand the completeness of what He has done for us, because otherwise we will only ever partially unwrap the gift of salvation, which would be such a loss.

Today think again about what saved means, and how you can grasp hold of all that has been achieved by Jesus’ work on the cross. If you have not received this freely offered gift, I encourage you to consider what He is offering you. “For if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be “saved” – delivered, protected, healed, preserved, made to do well and made whole. (Romans 10:9)

Prayer: Jesus please help me to understand how complete my salvation is, and that it is absolute, with nothing wanting. I pray today that every area of my life would come into line with what you freely offer and have gifted me with. In Jesus Name Amen.

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