I’ve been thinking about choices and how we can be on the path that leads to fulfilling our destiny or we get off track and miss some or even all of what we were made for.
It’s a sobering thought that through our own choices we can hold up or even completely miss what God has purposed for us. Yet if you look through God’s word and history it is filled with both men and woman who either stepped into their destiny through wise choices or who delayed or totally missed the life they could have had.
A great example of the importance of our choices is Nabal in the bible who through his rudeness and bad attitude towards others nearly brought the wrath of the warrior David upon his whole household. Fortunately his wife Abigail was both intelligent, beautiful and able to quickly make the wise choice to undo her husband’s wrongdoing and save her family. Nabal in making a poor choice to snub David’s offer of friendship fell down dead the next day and subsequently Abigail became David’s wife and stepped into new purpose and blessing. (1 Samuel 25:1-42) In contrast Nabal is remembered for totally missing an opportunity to form an alliance and friendship with the man destined to be King. He lost both his life and his wife through his bad choices.
If we are honest it is not difficult to see where a wise or foolish choice did or could have very easily taken us. Plus the world around us is full of people who either flourish from living wisely and thoughtfully or who stumble and fall through their own poor choices and foolishness.
The big question for us is, “Do we learn from our’s and other’s successes and mistakes and then determine to make wise choices that lead to breakthrough? Or do we choose to risk missing the life we could have through poor choices and not listening to wise counsel and God’s leading?”
God is so gracious and will guide and speak to us through whatever means possible to lead us in the right direction. He wants each one of us to fulfill our destiny and to live joyful and prosperous lives, but He will not force His will or ways upon us. That choice is ours to make.
Today which path are you looking at and walking on? The one that leads to fulfillment and peace or the one which is a slippery slope to loss and death of purpose and fulfilling your destiny? Choose well because the choice is yours!
“I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants (Duet 30:13)
Prayer: Lord please help me to make wise choice so that I can walk in wisdom, insight and really live the life I was born for. In Jesus name. Amen