Recently I was chatting with someone who encouraged me to, “Not allow anyone or anything to change the way you are or how you behave.”
Unfortunately there are times when the opposite can be too true in how we react to people or situations in which we find ourselves. Instead of responding positively we can react in a negative or defensive way, especially when someone is being unkind, rude, negative or even downright offensive and cruel. Then we usually go into defence mode to survive or retaliate. Yet aren’t we, in doing so simply allowing other people to ultimately control who we are?
Perhaps a better way to live our lives is to determine to not allow other people’s weaknesses or issues to affect who we are and the way we will choose to respond to situations and others. It’s easier said than done but I find if I can step back, breathe, pray for wisdom and gather myself in that moment, then I am better able to look back at every communication and situation I find myself in and know that I was true to who God’s made me to be. I haven’t allowed someone else to control or dictate my behaviour, but have only been moved by God and what he says about me.
Sometimes in reflection we may realise that we have some character traits and behaviours which when we’re put under pressure we didn’t like or even realise were lying beneath the surface. If that happens the best thing to do is acknowledge our weakness, hurt and disappointments in both other people and our own reactions and then ask God to help us do better next time as we allow Him to work in our hearts.
Today don’t allow anyone to change the way you are and how you behave because of his or her bad behaviour or reactions to you. Be who God made you to be, acknowledge any weaknesses in yourself and ask God to help you to deal with and become stronger in those areas. Then choose to only be moved in thought, speech and action by what God says about you and your circumstances and nothing and no one else.
“I am not moved by what I see, I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved by what I believe.” (Smith Wigglesworth)
“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.”(2 Timothy 1:7)
“Who is the man who fears the LORD? He will instruct him in the way he should choose.” (Psalm 25:12)
Prayer: Lord please help me today to be the person that you say I am even when I may feel pressure from other people or situations. Thank you that you give me strength and continue to work in me to fulfil my purpose and be all who you have called me to be. In Jesus name Amen.