I was talking with a friend today who has been around for a little longer than I have. She was sharing about her appreciation of really making the most of every opportunity to enjoy experiences to the full while she had the chance. She’d always danced and laughed and immersed herself in whatever she was doing as much as possible while she had the chance. Now that she is older and not so agile she is very grateful for all that she has seen, done and lived.
It got me thinking on the importance of saying Yes to life. In this busy, fast paced world we live in, with often limited time and attention to the things that really matter, a lot of people are quick to say “No”. “No thanks!” “I’m too busy”. But if our first response is No we are very likely missing some God moments designed especially to bring us great joy, blessing and growth. Whenever we say No to life, we are saying no to fresh ideas, new possibilities, new adventures and the chance to make unexpected discoveries. It’s impossible to say Yes to everything, but most of us could definitely say “Yes” to more than we do. Why not listen to yourself and examine how many times you say, “No” in a week.
Some great things to say Yes to are:
Say Yes to travel – my Dad used to say, “go traveling it will make you a bigger person on the inside and make you a better person”. Travel opens your eyes. If you really want to experience some growth and new perspective then go travelling.
Say Yes to talking with new people. We teach our children stranger danger, but as adults we sadly too often avoid some of the most wonderful experiences and the opportunity to meet and make new friends because we still shy away from people we don’t know yet. Practice the art of small talk, of smiling and making eye contact. At the very least you will brighten someone’s day and very possibly meet your next best friend.
Say Yes to something that pushes you out of your comfort zone Yep its awkward, but learning a new skill, trying something different and taking action on something we’ve been putting off for ages will only make us grow.
Say Yes to some Me time to reflect, recharge and renew. The key to a healthy life is balance. It’s okay to have some Me time. It’s recharges our passion and excitement for life. Spend your “me” time doing something that makes you happy. Plus as you do you’ll inspire others in your life to do the same.
Say Yes to a date night. If you don’t have a date take yourself or a good friend out. Say Yes to having some fun and paying some attention to the ones you love and who are important to you.
Say Yes to something you would normally turn down. Try different food, different music, different places, meeting different people, a different activity, sport or hobby. If it’s pure, lovely and worthy of giving a shout about, go for it.
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things”. (Philippians 4:8)
Lastly but most importantly Say Yes to God. When He prompts, asks or places something on your mind and heart – Say Yes! It may stretch and push you out of your comfort zone, but say Yes anyway! One of the greatest thing we can do in life is to consistently say Yes to God. Many of us waste a lot of time hesitating, deliberating and arguing when He just wants us to say Yes to Him so He can bless and use us in some amazing way.
When we say “No” we safely stay within our comfort zone. But saying, “Yes” means our life can expand and deepen. The “Yes” allow us to open up our life to possibilities and joy.
Practice saying Yes to God and Yes to life today!