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25 June – Everything’s going to be Alright


“If we knew that everything was going to be alright and we were going to be ok, how would we be today?”

Would we be as stressed about the things of our day or would we choose to just get as much enjoyment out of the day as possible?

Taking the attitude that “everything’s alright” can change our perspective completely.

Instead of spending our day just surviving and getting anxious or stressed we can look at the circumstances of our day and choose to smile, relax and enjoy it! To enjoy the journey, the experience, the living of our day.

Recently I’d had a busy weekend, it was Monday and the week looked just as busy. I could feel my anxiety levels rising.

Then I had this thought, straight from Heaven I think.

“If you knew everything was going to be ok and YOU were going to be ok, how would you be today?”

At that point I was reminded of God’s promises.

“That if He is for us, who can be against us. That neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God” (Romans 8:31, 39)

As I thought about everything being ok, I started smiling and peace replaced my anxious thoughts.

What a relief to know that EVERYTHING in our lives when we walk with Jesus is going to be ok in the long run. He is for us, He is with us, Heaven is cheering us on.

WE are going to be ok. We may hit a few potholes on the road along the way; maybe even get a few bumps and bruises, BUT WE WILL BE OKAY!

So I’m “choosing” to relax and enjoy the day regardless because God says EVERYTHING’S ALRIGHT!

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