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26 Aug – Tune Into God

tuned in

This is a repost, but it holds a timely reminder to tune into God.

Today while having my horse riding lesson I was reminded of how perceptive a horse is. They are so sensitive to our every movement, emotion and even thoughts and when well trained will respond in kind. If we are nervous they feel it and respond; if we become distracted and unfocused because we are thinking on other things they too can lose focus; if we’re at peace and in control they gain confidence and trust in us.

Incredibly the slightest change in the tension of my core muscles causes my horse to slow or to change his gait, and even if I make no other movement but to tense those muscles my 400kg horse feels it and responds accordingly.

As I was contemplating the incredible sensitivity of my ride today I felt God whisper to my heart, “that’s how you are to be”. I want you to be so sensitive and in tune with me that at my slightest movement, directive or shift you perceive what I am doing and respond to me”.

As I found out on my ride today that sort of sensitivity to someone or something means we have to focus and not allow ourselves to be distracted by our thoughts, other things going on around us, or our own fears and feelings of inadequacy. Essentially to be that sensitive and in tune we have to hold God in our hearts, to love Him and to lay a lot of what takes up our time, thoughts and energy aside so that we can both communicate and perceive what we are meant to as God communicates with us. He is moving, leading and directing us all the time. However the question is whether we are listening and choosing to be sensitive to His leading, or do we simply want to go our own way?

Today take some time to tune into God; practice quieting your rushing thoughts and emotions and “Be still and know that He is God” (Psalm 46:10). For it’s in waiting, listening and learning to be sensitive to his voice and presence that we will find the joy and freedom that we desire, and the guidance that we so often can lack.

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you.” (Psalm 32:8-9)

“Let me hear Your loving-kindness in the morning; For I trust in You; Teach me the way in which I should walk; For to You I lift up my soul.” (Psalm 143;8)

Prayer: Lord thank you that you are always with me and that you desire for me to know you so closely. Please help me to tune into you by quieting my busy heart and mind. I want to be more sensitive to your every word, movement and directive today. In Jesus name Amen.

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