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29th Nov – God Whispers

God whispers because he is close.

When we say, “I really felt to do something or I was drawn to such and such or I just knew”, it usually means we received an inner prompting or leading – almost like a whisper on the inside.

This is especially the case when we make a decision to ask Jesus into our life. The Holy Spirit comes to abide with us, and as a result we increase in our experience of these inner promptings or God whispers. It’s because Jesus said He would lead and guide us in the way to go and not leave us to live simply by our own understanding. That means we will be moved, led and compelled by the Holy Spirit and internally prompted as He guides us. (Mark 1:12; Matt 4:1; Acts 13:2; Romans 8:14)

It’s actually quite an amazing and liberating revelation to understand that we no longer have to know and figure everything out all by ourselves. God is right there with us wanting to bring heavenly wisdom and insight into every relationship, circumstance and situation. He will lead us everyday by gentle promptings, a quiet whisper, a peace, knowing, specific word or direction through our circumstances. We especially will recognise these God whispers when we are listening and ready to move in obedience.

When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.He will bring me glory by telling you whatever he receives from me. All that belongs to the Father is mine; this is why I said, ‘The Spirit will tell you whatever he receives from me.” (John 16:13-15 NLT)

I’ve discovered that God is very interested in both the big picture as well as the minute details of my life. I can be out shopping and I’ll gently hear Him whisper or feel internally prompted to buy more toilet paper or milk. That may sound mundane but God knows running out of toilet paper or some other necessity is going to increase my running around, and therefore my stress levels if it happens late at night or when there is a house full of people. So because He loves me He gives me a inner nudge to buy these things while I’m out. Time and time again I’ve experienced this, and also the regret when I missed listening and acting. As I regularly tell my kids, “it’s wisdom to learn to listen and to not ignore a whisper from God; make it your habit to obey, for it will keep you from a whole lot of trouble and might even save your life one day.” 

A good way to know if it is God speaking in a particular area is to test if it agrees with His Word and also leads to good things. It it does then it’s likely a leading from God. Start with the little things in your day (likeshopping of finding a carpark) and begin to see how God leads you. When it’s a prompting which will lead to bigger decsions if you are still unsure seek Godly mature counsel, pray and especially don’t rush making any big decisions.

Today practice being more aware of God whispers and promptings in your day. It will undoubtedly make your life far less complicated, less stressful and you will move more confidently as you find heavenly guidance in what, where and when to do things. Plus you’ll increasingly discover how you can trust God to lead you in the bigger things of your life too.

Life is so much better when we listen to God whispering to us in our day, so “tune” your inner ear to Him knowing that God whispers because He is close.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” (Psalm 32:8 NIV)

Prayer. Lord thank you that you promise that you will lead and guide me. Please help me to be more and more sensitive to your leading as I go throughout my day. In Jesus name amen

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