Ever had one of those days, or perhaps years where we are believing, praying and trying so hard and have been for a long time, but it feels and looks like nothing is changing and God is taking forever to act?
You would be in good company if you’ve ever felt that way because when you read through the bible about the heroes of faith it’s pretty obvious many of them felt the same way. People like Jeremiah who was just being obedient and yet got stuck down a well, or David who did what everyone else was too cowardly to do in killing the giant Goliath, and then had to run for his life alone into the wilderness because a King got crazy jealous. Or Joseph who did the right thing by resisting temptation and the seductive advances of a married woman and ended up in jail for 14 years. (Jeremiah 38; 1 Samuel 27; Gen 39:19-21)
There are times when life doesn’t necessarily make sense and we can’t see God for looking. He simply appears to have gone quiet, doesn’t appear to be doing anything and we can feel very alone.
However rather than falling in a heap in the pit of dispond, which lets face it, we are just going to have to climb out of again, God has some advice.
Look up. Look up and trust that even when we can’t see God’s hand we can trust His love and goodness. When we can’t see His hand we can trust His heart. When we can’t see His hand we can remember His promises and keep standing, because He will come through for us. (Psalm 123:1; Isaiah 40:26)
An amazing young woman named Esther lived that truth out. A Jew and chosen as Queen, she and her people were at risk of being annihilated because by the wicked Haman”s scheming. Esther was faced with her peoples imminent deaths, she couldn’t see a way out and wasn’t sure what to do or how to do it. Yet she chose to trust the heart of God even when she couldn’t see His hand doing anything. If you read the story you’ll discover not only was Esther and her people saved, but the wicked Haman was hung on the very gallows he had built to kill Esther’s family members. “Even though it seemed God had hidden his face, in reality, His hand was working all for good”. (Rabbi J. Sobel)
When life is hard, sometimes we can’t see God’s hand at first glance. In my life there have been times when there was no food in the cupboard, even though we were doing all we could to serve God and be obedient. Or when our child was so covered in sores from chronic eczema she couldn’t go to school. Or everyone we trusted or who we’d allowed into our world left or started speaking against us. Theres”s been times when we just started to get ahead and then my husband would lose his job, or the car would break down and the washing machine, which is a prized possession in a family with six kids, would stop working all in the same week.
But I’ve learnt that those are the times when we make a decision – do we give up or do we lean in on God? Do we start speaking rubbish or stand on God’s word? Because even when His hand is hidden, His heart is always for us. He is working on our behalf and still there working in the background shaping our future, lining up new opportunities and ready with the strength and grace we need.
The washing machine got replaced, the car got fixed, funds arrived, new, better jobs came our way without even applying, and healing broke through in spectacular ways. We got tougher, more resilient, wiser and grew some serious faith muscles.
Today trust God’s heart even when His hand appears hidden. He always has purpose and to show Himself strong in our lives and things will get better and you’re going to be okay.
“Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever“. (Psalm 23:6)
For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.” (Duet 20:4 )
“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Roman’s 8:31)
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go”. (Joshua 1:9)
Prayer: Lord I’m choosing to trust you even in those seasons when I cant seem to see your hand. Please help me to remember to look up and to keep standing until my breakthrough emerges, because you promise you’ll never leave or forsake me. In Jesus name Amen