There’s a line – a light line that separates the spiritual realm from the material realm. The realms of the spirit were once as tangible and accessible to mankind as the physical realm but when sin came into the world darkness entered and mankind discovered that the whole realm of the spirit – of the supernatural had vanished and we were trapped by darkness below the “light line”.
The Bible says at creation God made both the seen and unseen realm “For by him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invisible” (Col 1:16) The invisible realm above the light line is where angels and other spirit beings live. Heaven and all sort of amazing things are there. Above the light line spirit to spirit is firm and tangible, just as in the natural realm flesh-to-flesh is firm and tangible.
However many people have come to believe that the naturally percevied realm is all that exists. They deny any reality they can’t perceive with their natural senses.
But when you come into a relationship with Jesus the realms of heaven become accessible as we are re-united with life above the light line. Jesus in the New Testament had a resurrected body; a body that is both spiritual and material and that operates equally well on both sides of the “light line”. In this body Jesus can move at will from the spirit realm to the natural realm. He can appear on earth as He did to the disciples seemingly out of thin air, and then vanish as quickly as He came. The Garden of Eden described in the bible was a convergence point as Adam and Eve could travel between spiritual and physical realm. We were created that way and Jesus reinstated that to us. We too now have access to all the things of heaven, just as Jesus does for, “As He is so we are in the world” (1 John 4:17)
Unfortunately the cares and worries of this world can hinder our ability to engage above the light line. God wants us to be able to see, to hear, to experience and to live life above the light line. The key is to let go of the world and it’s worries and distractions and discover and embrace heaven. Embrace Jesus, for in Him we live and move and have our being. He encourages us to, “Set our mind on things above, not on things on the earth”.(Colossians 3:2)
Start with little things. Start thinking upon “Whatever is pure and worth shouting about. I’ve discovered that the beautiful things of earth are onramps into heavenly places. Take the time to find the door into Heaven. If you yield to it, you will fall into Jesus and all He has to reveal to you.
Remember worries and concerns pull you out and back to earth to live in the lower, slower realms below the light line. But today I encourage you not to allow worries, the deceitfulness of riches, the longing to satisfy the cravings of the flesh and every other thing that tries to cheat and distract you from discovering and living as you were created to be. Wake up and start to see things for what they really are.
It’s not hard. Find the door, (His name is Jesus), and enter in. You’ll be so glad you did.
Prayer: Lord thank you that I am a new creation. That I can see, that I can hear, that I can know and live in the realms of the spirit and experience heaven. Show me what my “normal” life is in you. In Jesus Name Amen.